Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brenna's room re-do part 4: The bow board

All the "It" babies are wearing bows these days (Well the girls anyway :) Here is my solution to keeping the bow chaos organized.

This project cost me $4. Here is the breakdown:

Picture frame on clearance at the thrift store: $1
Lime green craft paint: $1
Colorful wire: $2

The process:

First, I took the glass out of the picture frame leaving just the wood. Then I painted it with a primer and let that dry. Next, I painted it with my craft paint (two coats) and let it dry. Then, I just bent and twisted the wire in a bunch of crazy ways then hot glued it to the back of the picture frame.

And that's it!

Check out the rest of Brenna's new room: the quilt, the decorative letters and the pillows.



  1. Great idea! The frame turned out super cute.

  2. This is very useful, although it will be important to help simply click that web page link: 마곡노래방
