Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Ideas Using Distressing Technique

Kimberly recently published a post using a diStresSiNG teChNiQue for furniture... for full instructions go to: Old shutters to a living room partition-a tutorial. I started using this technique a few years ago when I received this beautiful shelf from my brother. He and his wife made this... can you believe it! GORGEOUS huh?!?!

They taught me how to do it and I just LOVE using it, it makes anything old & drab look totally fab! :) I thought that I might share additional ideas on everyday things that you can vamp up using this fun technique.

When we were getting ready for our daughter to be born, we were trying to think of fun and creative things to do for her baby room (on a budget) we decided that it would be perfect to do some distressing in her room to break-up the dark woods we had selected for her crib and changing table. We happened to have this old wooden spindle lamp and shadow box shelves. They were both originally dark brown (unfortunately we forgot to take pictures until they got their first coat of paint). Here they are white and BLAND :)

My wonderful hubby distressing and sanding...
I was at the very end of my pregnancy and very uncomfortable and not to mention HUGE! I needed some serious help, and my man was right there to help anytime I needed him... oh, what would I do without him :)

Adding the stain...
TIP: Use a dark stain so that it gives it some really great dimension

Wiping off excess stain to reveal its new VIBRANT life ;)...

Make sure that you give your project a final clear coat (Polyurethane) This helps insure that the stain is not sticky when your project is complete (the stain will not fully dry over the paint, so you need this layer!)

The final reveal!!! With a new shade to match :)

Here's how the shelves turned out...

Originally I could not think of what to put in these things! They were a tad awkward, but they were so cool... so off I went to a super fun decor store and my creative juices started flowing! And I found the perfect items to fit the bedroom scheme.

I found this awesome wreath...

And these beautiful flowers...

Look how cool they look!
Floating out away from the wall really adds some dimension to the design of the room...

Here's a close-up of some of the distressing

And the room is complete... They turned out perfect and we are constantly getting complements on them. Not that I need those, I love them regardless of what others might think :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE! This room makes me SmiLe :) Oh, and if anyone is interested on how to make a slip cover let me know. This one cost me $19!!!! Underneath was a hideous green.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    Love what you have done here...your lamp makeover looks outstanding!!!

