Friday, November 5, 2010

A dining room face lift for $30

I got this very high quality but so very outdated dining room set from my grandma. I just love the furniture, but let's face was kind of an eye sore. (of course I forgot to take a before picture till it was in the garage ready for it's makeover :)

It's AMAZING what a fresh coat of paint and some new upholstery can do! I bought all of my supplies at the re-store: primer, black paint, and polyurethane (several coats to prevent chipping). And I got the upholstery fabric at JoAnn's (using a 40% off coupon of course). All in all it only cost me about $30. I doubt you could find a table that cheap anywhere (not even craigslist, trust me I tried :)


  1. I'm a new followers and so glad I found your blog!! I LOVE this looks fabulous! Paint is one of my best friends too (;


  2. Kimberly! You are so freaking amazing! I love all the stuff you guys are putting up on here. I have yet to have the courage to actually try recreating your cuteness, but I am definitely admiring it! Good work!
