Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dollar store t-shirt makeover

If there is something I love, it is CHEAP CLOTHES!

I found this little buddy at the dollar store! I thought maybe I could help it achieve it's full potential.

The creative conditions were perfect (hubby at a poker night, kiddo sleeping, Veronica Mars on Netflix instant streaming) so a few hours later, I had this. So much better don't ya think?

This Anthropology shirt was my inspiration. I only saved like $50 by making my own. I think it was worth it.

So here is what I did:

Step 1:

I took a measurement from where I like the base of a neck line to be- to where I like the bottom of a shirt to be. (for me it was 16 inches). Then I cut that length out of thin elastic.

Step 2: I folded the t-shirt in half and ironed it so that there was a seam running vertically down the front.

Step 3: I pinned the elastic along the seam on the inside of the shirt. I pinned the ends first with the top end of the elastic being about 3cm from the neck of the shirt and the bottom end of the elastic being about 3cm from the bottom of the shirt. Then I laid the t-shirt out flat. (Since the elastic is pinned at the top and the bottom it should stretch straight along the seam you ironed in).

Step 4: With the shirt flat and the elastic stretched I pinned them together. (When you release the elastic it looks like this).

As you can see, the fabric will gather along the elastic.

Step 5: Sew it on. (You will have to keep the shirt fabric flat not stretched and stretch the elastic as you sew)

Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 on the top of the arms.

Step 7: This t-shirt was a large and I usually wear a medium so I took in the sides so it would fit me like this:

Step 8: Sew the scraps from taking in the sides into tubes, like this:

Step 9:

Turn the tubes seam sides in and sew them on the back at the neck line like this:

Step 10:

Twist the tubes as tight or loose as you like and wrap them around the neck line. I hand sewed them in place with darts every few inches.

Step 11:

Tie the loose ends in a bow (and sew in place if desired). That's it!

Now I am going to take those 50 bucks I saved and spend them on something fun. (ok lets be honest, I will probably spend them on groceries :)

Sarah at Welcome to the Good Life did a really cute knock off of the same Anthropologie shirt here. Check it out.

Linking up to these fun parties:

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Beyond The Picket Fence
Get your craft on Thurs.


  1. WOW -- Astounding. You know I've seen this t-shirts at the dollar store and have thought of purchasing them to make into rags. No more -- Now I will think of all the ways I can "alter" them into a shirt I would really like. You are a big inspiration and look beautiful in that shirt. Thank you so much for sharing this project on the Boardwalk Bragfest! I'm signing up to follow you so that I don't miss any of your projects and I invite you to do likewise on my blog!

  2. Great job! I cannot believe you thought to do this. Very creative and very nicely done!

    Found you from BCD. Come check out LBT when you get a chance. Thx!


  3. This really turned out fabulous~ you are very creative! Hopped over from Bobbypins Boardwalk...

  4. How cute is that!! I LOVE the seam in the middle, and I LOVE anthropologie! Great knock-off:)
    I'd love for you to stop by my blog this week and check out our HUGE giveaway to celebrate 6 months of blogging:)

  5. Wow this is fabulous! I'm really impressed!
